DRHS Pom Team
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Desert Ridge Pom and Dance Team

Desert Ridge HS

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Desert Ridge Pom and Dance Team

Desert Ridge HS

Desert Ridge Pom 2021-2022 Varsity

Krissy Jenkins



My name is Krissy Jenkins and I am a senior! I am the President of Pulse Dance Company and I’ve been in the dance department for 3 years. Although this was my first year on pom, I still experienced so many memorable moments! As a team we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones and uplifted our school spirit. Overall I'm proud of the hard work we put in towards our first competition!

Grace Migdol



My name is Grace Migdol and I am a senior! I am Head Historian for Pulse Dance Company and I have been in the dance department for four years! This was my first year on Pom and it was definitely one of the best experiences I have had in high school by far! It pushed me out of my comfort zone to try new moves and tricks. Pom has also helped our team form an unbreakable bond! I had so much fun being able to cheer for the football team and basketball team, and spread school spirit around the school!

Jeanetta Diggs



My name is Jeanetta Diggs and I am a senior! I am the Vice President of Pulse Dance Company! I’ve been on Pulse for 3 years and in the dance department for 4 years. This was my first year on Pom! I will always cherish the hardwork and dedication my teammates and I poured into making this a success. My most memorable moment would have to be when we competed for the first time. We all went into it with the intentions of simply just having fun and that allowed us release all pressure and anxieties.

Peyton Rock



My name is Peyton Rock and I am a senior! I am secretary for Pulse Dance Company and have been in the department for 4 years! This was my first year doing pom and it opened so many doors for me. I had so much fun being more involved in games and other school events. It allowed me to use my technique in ways I never have before and I got to experience competing as a pom team and being the first pom team ever at Desert Ridge!




My name is Ava Kelsey and I am a sophomore! I have been in the dance department for 2 years! This was my first year doing pom and it has taught me so many new things about dance and about myself. It really pushed me to go outside of my comfort zone and use my dancing abilities in a different way. I had so much fun attending my high school games and being able to cheer my school on! I really loved competing for the first time and experiencing the new environment of pom!




Hey my name is Bailey LaMagdelaine! I am a junior and I have been in the dance department as well as Pulse Dance Company for 3 years! This was my first year on Pom and I absolutely loved it! I made so many memories that I will forever cherish! It allowed me to be more involved in school activities and help spread school spirit! Pom is definitely one of my favorite parts of high school! Being the first Pom team ever at our school required a lot of hardwork and dedication and my team did just that! I could not be more proud of this team!




My name is Macie Petrof and I’m a junior! This is my second year in the dance department and my second year on Pulse Dance Company as well! I am head of the Spirit Committee and love being a part of such an amazing team! This was my first year being a part of Pom at the school and have loved every second of it! Being surrounded by everyone and going to the games to support my school has been so much fun! It has helped me to feel more involved with school and even though it might be hard work, I wouldn't trade it for anything! I love being with my team and I couldn't be more thrilled with how this year turned out!




My name is Riley Munn and I am a sophomore! This is my 2nd year in the dance department and my 1st year on pulse! This was my first year doing pom and it was definitely one of the best experiences! It taught me to use my dance skills I have learned in a new way and taught me to be open to new ideas. It definitely challenged me to put in a lot of time and hard work but in the end I had the most fun time making memories with my best friends! Pom has also made me become more involved with the school by bringing so much spirit, especially during football season! This was for sure an experience of a life time and I am so proud of how far we have all come!




My name is Lauren Real and I am a junior! This is my third year in the dance department and my second year on Pulse Dance Company. I am a part of the Spirit Committee on Pulse and it is an amazing experience to be able to spread school spirit and support our fellow Desert Ridge athletes! This was my first year on Pom and being a pommie has always been a dream of mine so it was the beginning of an exciting adventure and I can’t wait for more! This team has taught me so many valuable life lessons and skills along with the countless things that I have learned from the dance community itself. My favorite thing about our Pom Team would have to be the hard work and attention to detail that we put into our team. We also value our school spirit and that means a lot to us, our fellow athletes and classmates and staff!

Sachi Cortez



My name is Sachi Cortez and I’m a senior! This is my first year on Pulse Dance Company and pom, and fourth year in the department. I am a historian! My favorite part about pom is how it made me get more involved with the school. I loved learning and doing sidelines at games. I loved getting to spread school spirit!




My name is Kayleigh Thie and I and a sophomore! This is my first year doing pom and I love it! I have always wanted to cheer at games and be apart of school spirit more, so pim was perfect for me. Pom pushed me to be more active with school as well as after school. As a competitive team we practice outside of school and it helps me improve my dance and getting to know my team. I love the bond my team has and think Pom is amazing.