DRHS Pom Team

Desert Ridge Pom 23-24 Varsity

Sophia Turley

Sophia Turley

DRHS Pom Member Story

I am a senior and this is my 4th year in the dance department and my first year on Pulse/Pom! One thing that I am looking forward to is performing/cheering at our schools football games, assemblies and our dance concerts because it not only is bonding time for our team to have fun together but also the energy and adrenaline we have as a team is the best feeling ever!

Ava Lopez

Ava Lopez


Hi! My name is Ava Lopez and I am a senior this year! This will be my fourth year in the dance department and my second year on Pulse/Pom. I’m looking forward to spending my last year of high school doing what I love with my favorite people! I am super stoked for football season to start because I love performing on the sidelines, half time, and getting to bond with my team throughout the crazy night! Despite concert time being long and hectic, it brings such fun memories to the team, especially the dressing room which I am super excited to decorate now that I am a senior! Overall, I love every aspect of this team and I can’t wait to close out this chapter with my life long passion– dance!

Pom Dancer Avery Barton

Avery Barton


Avery Barton, I’m a junior, this is my third year in the dance department and my first year on Pulse and Pom. I am most looking forward to football games and dance concerts. I love being involved in and promoting school spirit. Bringing the whole dance department together for concerts is such a special experience and allows us to build close bonds and relationships with one another. Performing sidelines and halftimes with my team is something I am most excited for this year. Go Jags!

Pom Dancer Emma Haltorp

Emma Haltorp


Emma Haltorp, I am a Junior, this is my 3rd year in the dance department and my 2nd year on Pulse. Something I am looking forward to is concert week because I love getting everyone hype and seeing what the dressing room is going to be like!

Enya Leavitt

Enya Leavitt

DRHS Pom Member Story

Hola, my name is Enya Leavitt and I am a senior this year. This is my 2nd year on Pulse/Pom and 4th year in the dance department. I am mostly excited for the pep assemblies we perform in each quarter! Having the opportunity to dance with my team and with the hype of the school and other clubs brings me so much joy. I am also looking forward to concert nights because dancing on stage is one of my most favorite things to do and feeling the crowd's energy makes the nights so much better and a night to remember.

Ava Kelsey

Ava Kelsey


Hello! I’m Ava Kelsey and I am a senior this year! This will be my fourth year in the dance department and my third year on Pulse and Pom. One thing I have always enjoyed is performing at assemblies and especially football games!! Seeing the student section cheer on their school is the best thing ever! Having the opportunity to perform on the sidelines and encourage the teams is always so rewarding. With this being my last year on the team I really want to enjoy and remember all of the fun moments we spend together. I’m so excited to perform in our awesome concerts!! They are so fun and I always feel so involved with the whole dance department. I cannot wait to make this year the best one yet!! GO JAGS!

Riley Munn

Riley Munn


Hi! My name is Riley Munn and this is my senior year! This being my fourth year in the dance department and second year on Pulse has made my high school experience so much better! I am looking forward to football season because hyping up the student section doing sidelines and halftime performances is such an enjoyable moment. All the memories we make as a team at the games make the year so much fun as well. I also love our yearly out of state dance trips. It is such a great team bonding full of so many new experiences. I am so excited to spend one last year with the team I love with all my heart, and end high school with the people that share the same passion for dance as me!!

Kayleigh Thie

Kayleigh Thie


Mailee Thomas

Mailee Thomas


Mailee Thomas, I am a senior and this is my 4th year in the dance department and my 2nd year on pulse/pom. I’m looking forward to our out of state trip this year because it is always such a fun time being able to bond more than ever when we spend a week as a team learning while making some of the best memories!

Pom Dancer Gabby Davis

Gabby Davis


Hi, my name is Gabby Davis, I’m a junior and this is my 3rd year in the dance department and my 2nd year on Pulse/Pom. Something I’m definitely looking forward to this year is football games & assemblies. I love being able to support our Jags, bond more with my teammates, and perform our sidelines and our halftime routines. Hearing the student section get hyped after we perform is such a rewarding experience and I love doing what I love with this amazing group of girls!

Pom Dancer Emma Pettera

Emma Pettera


Emma Pettera, I’m a junior this year, it’s my 3rd year in the department, 2nd year on pulse and something I'm looking forward to this year is getting ready together for football games and concerts because it’s always a fun time blasting music together while we are rushing to get ready:)

Pom Dancer Haylee Coplan

Haylee Coplan


Haylee Coplan, I am a junior and this is my 3rd year in the dance department and my 1st year on pulse & pom! I’m looking forward to all of the football games and assemblies this year because I get to spend time and make so many memories with the team!!

Pom Dancer Kayla Pettera

Kayla Pettera


Hi, my name is Kayla Pettera and I'm currently a junior. This is my first year in pulse/pom and my third year in the dance department. I’m so excited for the football games and assemblies since we get to perform. I love performing so getting to do it in front of the school is really exciting. I can't wait to see what this school year brings!

Pom Dancer Charlee Rogers

Charlee Rogers


Hi!! My name is Charlee Rogers I am a freshman, this is my first year in the dance department and first year on pulse and pom. This year I am looking forward to the dance concerts! I can't wait for all the memories we are going to make during rehearsals and at the concert. I think bringing together the whole dance department is going to be such a fun experience and such a fun show to be in. I can’t wait for this season. Go Jags!!

Sylex Marie Tshisens

Sylex Marie Tshisens


Hi, my name is Sylex Marie Tshisens. I’m a senior this year and this is going to be my fourth year in the dance department and my first year on pulse/pom. This year I am most excited for the dance concerts and football season. Concerts are always so much fun because we are able to get the whole dance department together, and blast music while getting ready. I’m also excited for football season because I love cheering on our team and seeing the student section get hyped for a game is such an amazing experience. I can’t wait to see what this season holds and the memories I will make!

Vanessa Valenzuela

Vanessa Valenzuela


Hi, My names Vanessa Valenzuela and im a senior this year! This is going to be my 4th year apart of the dance department/ Pulse and my 3rd year on pom. This year I'm most excited for Football games and concerts!!! Being on pom has really made football games more fun because now we get to stand sidelines and cheer on our boys!!! This being my last year I'm really just trying to soak everything in and cherish the time I have left with my team, whether that be performing at halftime or dancing together on the stage. Concerts are always something I look forward to because this is when the whole dance department comes together and puts on one big show! I'm so excited for this season and can't wait for one last AMAZING year!!!!

Zaria Abalo-Torres

Zaria Abalo-Torres


I’m finally a Senior!! I was in the beginning dance my freshmen year and pulse this year so 2 years in the dance department total. I’m looking forward to sharing new ideas with the team and making new traditions for the team as well. I’m also definitely looking forward to giving people more ideas for the future to make the dance department even more incredible. I also can’t wait to dance on the sideline and see the whole school go crazy when we are having a good play and being able to dance in the middle of that as well!!! I LOVE DANCING!!

Past Varsity Squads